CS2 Competitive Map Pool Review and Tactics

In the competitive structure of CS2, there are various maps that you can use to play the game. We also know that many of these maps have complex area names. For example, in Dust 2, you've often heard place names such as "Long Doors" or "Upper Tunnels".
To defeat your opponent in CS2, you must fight in harmony with your team. The most important thing is to give your teammates accurate location information and know map strategies.
We will cover common standard strategies on each competitive map.
- Key locations and strategies for each competitive map in CS2
On xplay.gg servers you can play on any CS2 competitive maps. You can choose between normal competitive mode, 2 on 2 or AWP DM mode. Everything you want is already available on xplay.gg servers.
And bonus you can try any skin through Skinchanger. Read more about it: CS2 Skins Inspect Servers.
CS2 Competitive Map Pool
We bring you the full list of maps in CS2 Competition Mode:
- Dust II
- Mirage
- Anubis
- Overpass
- Vertigo
- Ancient
- Inferno
- Nuke
- Thera
- Mills
- Office
Detailed Breakdown of Each Map
Dust II: Strategies and Key Locations
A popular spot for CTs to hold is the Cross, offering a clear line of sight and sufficient cover.
Another crucial location on A Site is the Elevator or Short Boost, which provides opportunities for strategic boosts and surprise attacks.
There is a spot on A Site in Counter-Strike called Goose, named after one of the game's original creators, Minh Le "Goose." This spot provides cover and is commonly used to defend against incoming attacks.
Additionally, a Ninja spot on A Site is ideal for Ninja defuses and can surprise the enemy team.
Let's discuss the main strategies. The first, of course, is the legendary Rush B! All you need is smoke in the Windows and Doors, plus a couple of flashes overhead.
There is another strategy - a slow exit to point A. First, one player goes to control the Upper and Lower tunnels. The other four players try to take the Long cover the long.
After successfully taking Longcovering, only two players can play anywhere in the area and show no signs of life. The other two throw smoke on the x-box, summoning a player from the tunnel.
It is essential for players in the tunnels not to give away their presence but to check the Lower tunnel and stay there; they will play the lurking player, taking out enemies from the back.
You do not need to take Lcover alone in the mid to late round. Just leave one player behind the car to control the push and cover Mid any way you can.
Ideally, leave at least one player in the Upper tunnel.
Mirage: Strategies and Key Locations
CT-Side Strategies
SWAT places two players on A, one on Mid (often with AWP), and two on B. A-site defenders usually split between Ticket Booth, watching Palace and A-main, and Jungle or Stairs, offering support to Mid and A-site. B-site players split between Van or Bench and Short or Catwalk, ready to support Mid or B.
Controlling the Apartments and maintaining visibility on the B short positions is critical. Depending on T's movements, Holding B requires a balance between aggression and retreat tactics.
Usually, you want to watch for jumps in the car to keep an eye out for any T's, but if you see them rushing, you need to get back to the backcourt, for example, and delay the push as long as possible! It's important not to get killed because your job is to give your teammates time to rotate!
Control at Mid is vital. The player in the Window needs to be vigilant to keep smoke from blocking his view and be ready to turn to the Connector or Ladder Room.
T-Side Strategies
The first formation option is one on A, three on Mid, and one on B/Under. This is an excellent way to challenge Mid-control early on with smoke on the Nop Mid, smoke on the Connector, and smoke in the Window combined with flares.
Another common variant of starting on the T-side involves player distribution: one or two players in the Apartments, one watching for aggression on the Mid, and the rest working on the A, either through Palace or A-main.
Gaining control of the Mid is crucial to the game.
If your team plans to go A-main, you should come from the Connector. If your team plans to go for B, go via Short or kill rotations from the Ladder Room.
Anubis: Strategies and Key Locations
The middle is the crossroads of Anubis. Controlling this area allows your team to pivot quickly between A and B sites.
Use Bridges and Canals to your advantage, creating opportunities for rotations and ambushes.
CT-Side Strategies
Create a solid defense at A site by placing players in positions such as Bombsite A, Palace, and Catwalk. Use ranged combat to control the A main and Catwalk. Coordinate crossfire to repel the T onslaught through the Main A site and Bombsite A.
At the B site, I hold positions at Bombsite B, Garden, and Mid. I use smoke and incendiary bombs to delay the enemy's advance through the Main and Middle B positions.
Control of the Mid is vital to the CT. Experiment with setups that allow you to gather information in the Mid. Be prepared to adapt to T strategies and quickly switch between A and B plots based on the information gathered.
T-Side Strategies
Carefully designed smoke and flares at Site A block CT visibility and disrupt potential AWPer positions. Coordinate a push through the A main and Catwalk to establish map control.
Establish control of the middle at the beginning of the round. Use smoke and flares to limit CT's view and power of the middle. Consider dividing the map between the A and B sides so that players control the middle and the middle lane. This will create opportunities for flank attacks and disrupt CT defenses while holding locations.
In addition to the official maps, there are also community maps. Read more about them: What are CS2 Community Servers? How to Connect and Why You Should Play on Them.
Overpass: Strategies and Key Locations
The Overpass is notable for its two separate levels with A and B bomb laying points. The key locations on the map are A Long, Connector, and Bathrooms. Effective management of the Mid, Connector, and Bathrooms is crucial as they provide influence over critical areas.
CT-Side Strategies
The standard scheme is to have three players in Position B, one in Monster Hold, two in Short B, and two in Position A who focus on Mid and Long.
CTs often use smoke for the Monster and Molotov cocktails for the Playground - this can prevent terrorists from gathering information. Controlling these positions can provide a strategic advantage.
Aggressive use of utilities in Monster and Short B can repel early T-pushers.
The Connector player is a quick rotator and informant, which is critical to supporting both sites effectively.
The worst threat you can face is the sniper on the Long, so unless you have a good sniper on your team, it is best to go to the Long via the Toilets or not go there.
T-Side Strategies
The terrorists often spread players across Playground, Fountain, Connector, and B Short. This configuration is aimed at gaining initial control of the map.
Gaining control of the Connector is a strategic goal for T-sides, as it provides the ability to rotate quickly on both sides. It would help if you expanded control towards Bathrooms or Water, which can set the stage for victory.
For example, a site that executes smoking Heaven and Bridge and Molotov Cocktails for Barrels and Water can isolate defenders and open the Site for a plant.
Vertigo: Strategies and Key Locations
Vertigo, one of CS2's most innovative maps, was added to the game in March 2019. This map still needs to be popular, as you must fight there on top of a skyscraper. Newcomers are even afraid of the map.
Vertigo is a map that rewards players who can adapt to its layered structure and create strategies that capitalize on its unique challenges.
The map's small size and large open rooms and wide corridors means that teams must fight face-to-face.
CT-Side Strategies
The initial positioning could be like this:
- Three players on A (one of these players can take the center of the map when the player from the center goes to help on B).
- One player plays in the center.
- One defends point B.
By default, smoke appears on the ramp, which blocks the terrorists' view of the ramp, giving you an advantage when taking territory.
To prevent the terrorists from running up the ramp easily, throw a Molotov cocktail under their feet. Alternatively, one player runs to the Gap and throws a Molotov cocktail or smoke into the ramp.
You can either stay at the ramp or help your teammates at other points on the map. It is essential to leave at least one player behind the crates shown in the screenshot so that he can collect information.
T-Side Strategies
The central position that the terrorists need to capture in Vertigo is, oddly enough, the ramp at point A. One player can hold the middle and control the onslaught on point B, but the fight for the ramp at A requires three or even four players. After all, if you take the ramp on A, you will have a considerable advantage.
From respawn, you can throw light smoke at the Gap.
Having captured the ramp, you can exit to A or return to B, where your teammate still controls the position. To exit A, you must throw smoke to the left and right and Molotovs on their heads.
If you go to point B after taking the ramp or play a round under B, you must throw smoke to the right and left of the Electric Box.
In an ideal case, it would be great to throw incendiary grenades at the player behind the red boxes and behind the beam. But throwing them on the move and just on feeling is necessary. There's nothing complicated here; the main thing is understanding the map's geometry.
Ancient: Strategies and Key Locations
The Ancient map for CS created back in 2020, didn't cause a surge of excitement in the community, but it caught the attention of longtime fans who remembered de_aztec in CS 1.6.
CT-Side Strategies
CT Spawn connects to several key points, providing routes to both bomb sites and strategic positions on the map:
- CT Lane: leads from CT Spawn to Point A, providing quick access for defenders.
- Temple: another path from the Special Forces revival point to point A, often used for strategic rotations.
- Snipers Nest: A vantage point above the center allows SWAT to control this critical area.
- Alley: Connects the CT Spawn point to the rear halls and eventually to point B.
T-Side Strategies
T Spawn provides access to several paths for implementing strategies:
- Tunnel: Connects the terrorists' revival point to the water, often used to assault point B.
- Split: Leads to an Elbow and Stairs, giving T access to the Center and Point A.
- Ramp: Directs players to Point B via an extended climb from the T Lower).
Inferno: Strategies and Key Locations
Winning Inferno requires a deep understanding of map management and precise utility use. The balance of power can shift quickly, especially in the Banana area, where teams engage in critical battles early on.
One essential aspect of Inferno is mastering the art of utility, including smoke, flares, and Molotov cocktails. These tools are vital to controlling the map.
Setting up control gives you more room to maneuver in three cornerstone zones: Banana, Middle, and Apartments.
CT-Side Strategies
Standard Inferno strategies on the CT side require two players to be on point B and three on point A.
B Site players often combine closed and open positions, with the latter player determining the opponents while the former engages in surprise fights.
The basic checking positions are:
- CT Corner (near Boost)
- Coffins
- Dark
- Tri Box (Quad)
The rest of the positions near and inside B Square are for the second player.
One of CS2 Inferno's tactics is to secure control of Banana and leave only one player, preferably a sniper.
Having one SWAT on the Arch or near the Cubby is very important. Who can quickly move to point B and help the other player with grenades and fire.
T-Side Strategies
The Terrorist side often starts with a "standard" formation in which two players take control of the Banana, one player (usually with AWP) holds the Mid and two players pass through the second Mid into the Apartments. This configuration can vary depending on the specific strategy of the round.
After gaining control of the Banana, one player usually stays in place while the others rotate to help take control of the Top Mid.
Once you master Top Mid and Banana, new options open up in front of you:
- An A wrap, sending three players down Long, one down Short, and one through Apartments.
- A Short push, concentrating forces on Short with an additional player in Apartments.
- A B split with three players pushing through CT to B and two coming from Banana.
- A fallback from Mid and throwing a full-execute on B.
Nuke: Strategies and Key Locations
The Nuke map in CS2 is complex and requires mastery of specific points and locations such as T-Spawn, A and B Plants, CT-Spawn, and vital strategic areas such as Outside and Ramp to navigate and execute strategy successfully.
CT-Side Strategies
CT-Spawn is critical for counter-terrorists. Nearby, you will find the Special Forces Box, a strategic obstacle located next to the stairs leading from the Special Forces revival point.
In the A-Plant area, you will find the "A" zone - a specially designated area where a group of terrorists can strategically plant a bomb. The big box at point A provides cover and strategic positioning for both attackers and defenders.
As a CT, the most critical Nuke CS2 Callouts are:
- Outside
- Lobby
- A Main
- A Ramp
- B Bottom Ramp
- B Doors
- B Window
- B Vent
- B Back Vent
T-Side Strategies
T-Spawn, the starting point for the terrorist team, serves as the basis for understanding the Nuke map.
The Outside, located between Silo, Garage, Secret, and A Main, is integral to moving through key locations. Next to the Special Forces revival area and near Secret, you'll find Garage, a strategic location often used by Special Forces snipers to guard the bunker.
CS2 Nuke's open areas allow SWAT to hold lines of sight, such as across the Outside with an AWP. They can also hide in corners, such as the Secret, along the Bottom Ramp slope. When defending a site, they will be looking to gain any slight advantage over you, and you need to know where they might come from so you and your team avoid any nasty surprises.
You can just practice with a friend one-on-one, here's a guide: How to Play 1v1 in CS2? Servers and Commands.
Thera: Strategies and Key Locations
In the latest major update, Valve has added the first community maps to CS2 - one of them being Thera, a map created by FMPONE.
Thera, which appeared in CS:GO as Santorini during Operation Wildfire in 2016, has been remade for CS2. The map was well received in its previous version, and its return was eagerly awaited.
A Site has five main entrances: one through CT-Spawn and Window Room, one through Mid under Window, two from Underpass, and one from the T-Side of Mid. This makes Mid crucial for control and may prompt aggression from the CTs to get it, similar to Ancient.
B is one of the most fun sites in CS. It's filled with boost opportunities on the approach and can be defended aggressively and passively.
The approach is riddled with ledges and boost opportunities, reminding us of A Long on Cobble. This Site can be handled by one anchor or three aggressive players on the CT side and doesn't require as much mid-control as A from the Ts, making it fascinating to watch.
Mid is critical in this case. That's why both passive and aggressive setups must be thought through. Aggressive setups will rob terrorists of one of their ways into A-Site while not changing much for B. Passive rounds will allow them into A (which is easy to stop with the proper setup) while preventing them from entering B entirely unless smoked off.
For Terrorists, the most important thing is to know when to take mid. If coordinated correctly, plays for B are possible without taking mid, but plays for A become very hard when the CTs play high up.
Mills: Strategies and Key Locations
From a tactical standpoint, the SWAT team at Point A has two options: either stay on the defensive and defend the point from deep positions or capture the truck's surroundings and treat them as Apartments at Point A on Inferno.
B-Site also reminds us of Inferno, a site with only two entrances, flank traversal tactics, and a banana. Unlike Inferno, however, the T's are not pressured by AWPs from the Mid, meaning they are free to position themselves at their main entrance and run their utility without going through any trials.
If you're a terrorist and don't read the special forces game, you can completely lose control of this part of the map and face a stack on your turn. Or, if you refuse to make informational plays, you can run into a defensive B-Stack that sits in all the nooks and crannies waiting to strike. This isn't Dust II; you can't rush in for a single flash and a molly; you'll need information and proper execution.
Office: Strategies and Key Locations
CT-Side Strategies
Establish a formidable defense in office spaces by deploying players strategically near Cubicles, Main Hall, and Bombsite A. Use short-range engagements to control key chokepoints.
Maintain control over Main Hall and Bombsite A. Experiment with setups for early information gathering. Use utility to contest T pushes through the Main Hall and Control Room.
Controlling outside areas is vital for CTs.
T-Side Strategies
Establish control over the Main Hall and office spaces early in the round. Coordinate with teammates to push through the Main Hall and take control of critical areas. Use utility to clear out defenders and secure map control. Be prepared for potential CT rotations and adapt to the CT setup.
Execute Bombsite A with meticulous smokes and flashes to block CT vision and disrupt potential defender positions. Coordinate pushes through the main hall and control room to establish map control.
What Maps are in the CS2 Competitive Pool?
The maps currently available in competitive mode are Dust II, Mirage, Anubis, Overpass, Vertigo, Ancient, Inferno, Nuke, Thera, Mills, and Office.
How Often Does the CS2 Map Pool Change?
Over the years, Counter-Strike's active map pool has undergone several significant changes. A major change occurred in November 2022 when Anubis appeared on the competitive scene. Most recently, Overpass was replaced by Dust 2 in April 2024. In June, several new maps were added.
How Do Professional Players Adapt To Map Pool Changes in CS2?
Some players are eager to adapt and learn new strategies on the added maps, while others express concerns about potential imbalances or overplayed strategies.